Re: Issue with s6-rc-update

From: Paul Sopka <>
Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2024 08:49:08 +0200

Thank you for your quick answer!

Funnily enough, when I invoked s6-rc-update with strace by hand after a
cold boot, it just... worked.

Once I invoked the script (I have tried standalone s6-rc-update before,
but probably only after invoking the script at least once), I have
written, it did not work again.

So here ist the script, running s6-db-reload with strace:

#!/usr/bin/env execlineb

importas -S USER

define s6dir /home/${USER}/.local/share/s6-rc/
define s6live /run/${USER}/s6-rc/

backtick date { date +%s }
importas -Su date
define s6db ${date}_db

backtick s6dbOld { readlink -f ${s6dir}/compiled }
importas -Su s6dbOld

elglob -0 sources ${s6dir}src/*

foreground {
     s6-rc-compile -v2 ${s6dir}${s6db} ${sources}

foreground {
     strace -v -s256 s6-rc-update -v3 -l ${s6live} ${s6dir}${s6db}

And here you have the pastbin of the output it produces:

It is probably just a mistake in my script, but I have quadruple checked
it and can not find it. If that is case I am sorry to have bothered you.

Thank you


On 05.07.24 01:28, Laurent Bercot wrote:
>> s6-rc-update: fatal: unable to make new live directory in
>> /run/${USER}/s6-rc:s6-rc-update:HgP5A0: No such file or directory
>> Where "...HgP5A0" is the old livedir, that is now gone, yet the
>> symlink is still pointing at it.
>  Hi Paul,
>  This tells us that something went wrong in making the new livedir or
> migrating the old one to the new one. It is weird that your old
> livedir is gone: the migration is atomic, so if the symlink fails to
> update, the old livedir should not be deleted. It is possible that you
> have uncovered a bug in s6-rc-update.
>  Can you strace -v -s256 your invocation of s6-rc-update, pastebin the
> result, and give us a link? This will show exactly what is failing.
>  Thanks,
> --
>  Laurent
Received on Fri Jul 05 2024 - 08:49:08 CEST

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