Re: s6/s6-rc policy for Gentoo: config files for service scripts

From: Paul Sopka <>
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2024 21:11:13 +0200

>> ... then begs the question: what's the advantage of having the
>> ${S6CONFIGDIR}/system/config/seatd entry point at all? How much effort
>> does this save the admin over creating their own my_seatd service and
>> disabling the one you provide?
>> (Honest question, I don't fully grok s6.)
> It doesn’t save any effort at all.
I disagree, because it allows original service scripts to sit at
and be recklessly updated by the package manager.

> For the record, I’m also in favor of this: the simpler the service
> scripts, the better in my opinion. They’re easier to understand,
> simpler to adapt. A short and direct script can be as descriptive as
> descriptive configuration files sometimes, but better because you
> actually know everything that takes place. :D
I wholeheartedly agree, this is pretty exactly my mindset too.
Additionally they are probably faster, since they are smaller and do not
need to parse configs.



Received on Thu Sep 19 2024 - 21:11:13 CEST

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