Re: process supervisor - considerations for docker

From: Laurent Bercot <>
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2015 17:45:24 +0100

On 26/02/2015 15:38, John Regan wrote:
> When you build a Docker image, the ENTRYPOINT is what program you want
> to run as PID1 by default. It can be the path to a program, along with some
> arguments, or it can be null.
> CMD is really just arguments to your ENTRYPOINT, unless ENTRYPOINT is
> null, in which case it becomes your effective ENTRYPOINT.
> At build-time, you can specify a default CMD, which is what gets run
> if no arguments are passed to docker run.

  OK, got it.

> I'm going to call these case 1 (command with no supervision environment), case
> 2 (default supervision environment), and case 3 (supervision environment with
> a provided command).
> Here's a breakdown of each case's invocation, given a set ENTRYPOINT and CMD:
> ENTRYPOINT = null, CMD = /init
> * Case 1: `docker run image commandline`
> * Case 2: `docker run image
> * Case 3: `docker run image /init commandline`
> ENTRYPOINT = /init, CMD = null
> * Case 1: `docker run --entrypoint="" image commandline`
> * Case 2: `docker run image`
> * Case 3: `docker run image commandline`

  Makes sense so far.

> Now, something worth noting is that none of these command run interactively -
> to run interactively, you run something like 'docker run -ti ubuntu /bin/sh'.
> -t allocates a TTY, and -i keeps STDIN open.
> So, I think the right thing to do is make /init check if there's a TTY
> allocated and that STDIN is open, and if so, just exec into the passed
> arguments without starting the supervision tree.

  ... but here I disagree.
  Performing different actions when a fd is a tty from when it is not
breaks the principle of least surprise. It's counter-intuitive,
generally bad practice, and simply not what you want in most cases.
It's okay for simple user interface stuff, such as programs that
pretty-print their output when stdout is a terminal, but in the
docker container case I don't think it's justified.

> ENTRYPOINT = /init (with TTY/STDIN detection), CMD = null
> * Case 1: `docker run -ti image commandline`
> * Case 2: `docker run image`
> * Case 3: `docker run image commandline`
> So basically, if you want to run your command interactively with no execution
> environment, you just pass '-ti' to 'docker run' like you normally do. If
> you want it to run under the supervision tree, just don't pass the '-ti'
> flags. This makes the image work like pretty much every image ever, and
> the user doesn't ever need to type out "/init".

  The main problem with that approach is that there's no way to run an
interactive command with the supervision environment - but it's something
that users are very likely to need. What if I want my services to run,
but at the same time I want a shell inside the container to explore and
debug things ?

  I think you're better off with:

  * Case 1 : docker run --entrypoint="" image commandline
(with or without -ti depending on whether you need an interactive terminal)
  * Case 2 : docker run image
  * Case 3: docker run image commandline
(with or without -ti depending on whether you need an interactive terminal)

  docker run --entrypoint="" -ti image /bin/sh
would start a shell without the supervision tree running

  docker run -ti image /bin/sh
would start a shell with the supervision tree up.

> Laurent, how hard is it to check if you're attached to a TTY or not?

  It's not hard at all:
  (then you need a command line that does this, but I think busybox
provides one, and in the worst case it's trivial to write.)
  However, I don't think it's a good idea to do so in this case.

Received on Thu Feb 26 2015 - 16:45:24 UTC

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