Hi Alex,
In your introduction, you told us to be not confident with systemd.
Where may we find some explanations about that??
I am not fully aware of systemd details of implementations and usage, but I saw some big company rewriting conventional sysvinit, ending on maximized parallel scripts starting but not very satisfying.
As a first approach, systemd seems very better than sysvinit, even if using dbus when I feel not very good with.
Can you summarize your feeling against systemd.
Vincent de RIBOU
région Ouest - France
Le Mardi 24 juin 2014 8h19, Alex Efros <powerman_at_powerman.name> a écrit :
If that helps, here is /etc/runit/{1,2,3} and /service/*/run scripts I use
with Gentoo on several servers and workstations for about 10 years:
The /etc/runit/{1,2,3} are in runit-scripts-*.tgz and services are in
For Gentoo they're also available as packages in "powerman" overlay.
P.S. Thanks for supporting LFS! In 2001 I've even created own distribution
based on it and used it for few years before switched to Gentoo.
WBR, Alex.
Received on Tue Jun 24 2014 - 08:03:44 UTC