Re: restarting s6-svscan (as pid 1)

From: Laurent Bercot <>
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2023 01:46:23 +0000

> I believe (have not yet tested) that I can relatively simply create
>maintenance system on the fly by copying a subset of the root fs into a
>ramdisk, so it doesn't take any space until it's needed.

  The problem with that approach is that your maintenance system now
depends on your production system: after a rootfs change, you don't
have the guarantee that your maintenance system will be identical to
the previous one. Granted, the subset you want in your maintenance fs
is likely to be reasonably stable, but you never know; imagine your
system is linked against glibc, you copy, but one day one
of the coreutils grows a dependency to, and voilĂ , your
maintenance fs doesn't work anymore.

  You probably think the risk is small, and you're probably correct.
I just have a preference for simple solutions, and I believe that a
small, stable, statically-linked maintenance squashfs would be worth
the space it takes on your drive. :)

Received on Sun Nov 19 2023 - 02:46:23 CET

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