On Mon Mar 24, 2025 at 7:38 PM CET, Laurent Bercot wrote:
>>The issues seem to be that ./configure is setting IFS=' ' without
>>unsetting the value again. This means tabs in CFLAGS also break
>>./configure. And the variables aren't escaped for config.mk.
> ... oh. I sent my reply before seeing yours.
> This is interesting. But then why does
> -pipe"
> ./configure
> work? I would expect it to fail if IFS was the issue.
>>+ IFS=' ' read -r k v ldlibs
> bash construct ;)
You sure? Last time I read the posix spec this seemed to be required
to work.
> I am unfamiliar with this, can you please explain it?
This is a bash construct! ;)
I used it since it works in busybox ash. This is equivalent to this sed
expression: s/\n/\\\n/g
Essentially prepending a backslash to each newline.
> --
> Laurent
Received on Mon Mar 24 2025 - 19:46:33 CET